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Official Timing and Scoring Results

📁 Home → 📁 NASA_Texas_Region → 📁 2019-Official-Results ↓
NASA_Texas_Region/2019-Official-Results/TMS-August/ TMS-August

960.15 KB 2021-08-11 August 11, 2021 2023-03-31 March 31, 2023
NASA_Texas_Region/2019-Official-Results/MSRH-January/ MSRH-January

1.77 MB 2021-08-11 August 11, 2021 2023-03-31 March 31, 2023
NASA_Texas_Region/2019-Official-Results/MSRC-March/ MSRC-March

2.33 MB 2021-08-11 August 11, 2021 2023-03-31 March 31, 2023
NASA_Texas_Region/2019-Official-Results/Hallett-June/ Hallett-June

1.51 MB 2021-08-11 August 11, 2021 2023-03-31 March 31, 2023
NASA_Texas_Region/2019-Official-Results/COTA-May/ COTA-May

1.34 MB 2021-08-11 August 11, 2021 2022-12-28 December 28, 2022



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