Drivers often have questions when they choose to get involved with motorsports with NASA. We’re glad you chose us, and we’re here to help you navigate NASA’s organizational structure to find the answers you are looking for. We’ve organized this staff directory, which is searchable by national office/region, title, and series.
NASA’s Regional Directors are in charge of running each of the 17 individual NASA regions across the United States. They can answer your questions about HPDE, registrations and payments, schedules, licensing and event management.
NASA’s Series Leaders are the liaisons for a given racing class in each region. Say you’re interested in racing in the German Touring Series or Spec E46 in your home region. You would contact the series leader for either of those series in that region with any questions you might have. Since you’ll be seeing them at the track and most likely be racing with them, it’s a good idea to get to know your series leader.
Regional series leaders report to NASA National Series Directors, who oversee a given racing class on the national level. National Series Directors collect input from Series Leaders and individual drivers in the interest of keeping a given racing class vibrant, fair and to ensure its continued growth and viability.
Making the leap from HPDE to competition in Time Trial raises its own series of questions, and that’s where Time Trial Directors can help you. If you have questions about getting your NASA Time Trial license, or how to class your car or anything else pertaining specifically to NASA Time Trial, contact the Time Trial Director in your region.
NASA is a national organization, but decentralized to put most decisions in the hands of Regional Directors, who handle questions about membership, licensing and events. The National Office is responsible for printing and issuing licenses and membership cards, approving medical applications, answering media inquiries and contingency questions, and matters pertaining to national tech and rule changes.
To contact staff at the National Office, please use Contact Us form.